
Full Guide To Hematite vs. Magnetite (This Is The Difference)

In order to work with our crystals effectively, we need to understand their properties. With crystals that look similar or have similar uses, such as hematite and magnetite, it can be difficult to determine which one to work with. The answer should always be; the one that you are drawn to the most. However, if you are looking to find the difference in physical appearance as well as metaphysical properties, you’ll find your answer here.

Hematite is an oxidized version of magnetite, and they look very similar. Magnetite is highly magnetic and black when ground down to dust. Hematite is only weakly magnetic, and creates a reddish dust. Hematite is used mostly for its grounding properties, whereas magnetite is largely used for manifestation.

Continue reading if you want to know more about the (physical) qualities of these stones, as well as how you can use them in your spiritual practice.

Also read: Hematite vs. Obsidian – This is the Difference

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Hematite vs Magnetite – How To Tell The Difference?

In order to understand the difference between these two stones, we can look at the color, shape, pattern, clarity, and more. Below we’ll describe all these aspects in detail.

Chemical Composition 

Both magnetite and hematite consist of iron oxide and are very similar in composition. After all, hematite is really just an oxidized version of magnetite.

The biggest difference between these stones is that hematite is paramagnetic and magnetite is ferromagnetic. This means that magnetite is highly magnetic, whereas hematite is only weakly magnetic.


Hematite is a metallic grey color, whereas magnetite is much darker, black to dark grey.

Hematite also has an intense red coloration that is difficult to see. However, if you grind it down to dust, you’ll see it has a reddish hue. The color is caused by the oxidation of iron and is what this stone received its name from; hematite means ‘blood’ in Greek. As a result of this reddish color, hematite is often the mineral responsible for the red tint seen in a variety of stones, such as rose quartz.

Magnetite can gradually fade to dark–brown due to oxidation. If you grind magnetite down, it keeps its black/grey color.

Pattern and Clarity 

Both stones are completely opaque and can have a metallic shine. There isn’t any particular pattern that can be seen, although both stones are textured. As a result, it can be incredibly difficult to differentiate between these two.

Really, one of the best ways to determine the difference between these stones is by looking at the dust, mentioned above, also known as a streak. Hematite’s streak is reddish, whereas magnetite’s is black/grey.

Also read: Can Hematite Go In Water? (Full Guide)


If you want to clean your stones, we recommend using a soft cloth to remove any dust. The stones contain a lot of iron content; hence cleaning using water is not a very good idea. This is because water will cause rust on the stone.

If you are using these stones for their metaphysical properties, we recommend cleansing and recharging them regularly, at least once a month. This allows the stone to remove any negative energies that are trapped, and refill with positive ones. Cleansing can be done using sound, cleansing crystals like clear quartz and selenite, or by smoke cleansing. Recharging can be done, again, by using sound, but also by leaving these stones in the moonlight overnight or burying them in the ground or brown rice.

To cleanse and recharge your hematite, magnetite, or any other stone, using sound, you can use the video below. Just let the sound fill the room and set an intention for them.


Magnetites, also known as lodestone, and hematite both form in any of the three main types of rock; metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary. Metamorpic rocks are the result of high pressure and high temperatures, making them much denser. Igneous rocks form when magma gets trapped inside the earth and then cools down. Sedimentary rocks are created when smaller rocks, and sometimes parts of once living organisms, clump together and make a larger rock.

As a result, both of these stones are found all around the world.

Some of the largest deposits of hematite are found in The US, Canada, China, Brazil, Venezuela, South- Africa, and Australia, while magnetite can be found in large deposits in Uruguay, Australia, Peru, and Chile.


Hematite and magnetite both score 5- 6.5 on the Mohs scale. If you’re unfamiliar, the Mohs scale of hardness determines a stone’s hardness by measuring how scratch-resistant it is. According to this scale, a stone can scratch any other mineral with a lower score. For reference, talc is a 1, whereas diamond is a 10.

With a score of 5-6.5, these stones are are fairly scratch-resistant and durable for use. However, they do require care and maintenance to preserve their appearance and increase longevity. If you care about the looks of this stone, it might be better to avoid wearing it every day.

(Meta)physical Properties

Beware that crystals are never a replacement for professional medical help. If you have any issues, see a doctor first and follow their advice.

Hematite has a ton of healing abilities, both physical and metaphysical. The stone brings confidence and positivity to our lives, as well as willpower. Its connection to the root chakra also makes it a good stone for protection and grounding energies, making it the perfect stone for empaths.

The stone gets its name from blood and its rich iron content; hence it is useful for good blood circulation and any blood-related complications, including menstrual health. The stone is also used to help in detox and absorption of nutrients.

Magnetite get’s its name from magnets, and thus can be used to attract our desires. It is a great stone to use in manifestation and to envision the ideal life we would want to have. Using the stone brings positivity and imagination of the kind of life we would like. This helps us channel our energies and thoughts towards achieving it.

Magnetite is a good stone for recovery from illness, asthma, and muscle pains and eases emotions like grief.

Also read: Blue Aventurine vs. Sodalite – This Is The Difference

Chakra Association 

Chakras are the different energy points in our body. There are 7, each of them linked to a certain aspect of our lives. We can link each chakra to crystals or gemstones by color and its properties.

Hematite is mainly connected to the base, or root, chakra but can also work well for the solar plexus chakra. The root chakra is responsible for our grounding, self-esteem, and feeling of security. A balanced root chakra will encourage confidence in our life’s decisions and complete alignment. The solar plexus chakra represents power, esteem, and confidence. 

Magnetite is also associated with the root chakra. The chakra represents rootedness, security, and responsibility. These stones can be used to manifest qualities like reliability, grounding, and security.  The root chakra is also the basis of the chakra system; hence important to have it always activated and stable.


Here’s a quick overview of what all the chakras represent;

The root chakra (Muladhara) is represented by black/red and is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is related to stability.
The sacral chakra (Svadihsthana) is represented by orange and is located below the navel. The sacral chakra is associated with feelings and sensuality.
The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) is represented by yellow and is located above the naval. The solar plexus chakra is related to intellect.
The heart chakra (Anahata) is represented by green/pink and is located in the chest area. This chakra is associated with loving and emotional healing.
The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is represented by blue and is located at the end of the throat. This chakra is associated with communication and tangible dialogues.
The third Eye chakra (Ajna) Is represented by indigo and is located between the eyebrows. The chakra is related to spiritual understanding.
Lastly, the crown chakra (Sahasrara) is represented by white and is seen as our connection to the divine.

Also read: Pink Amethyst vs. Rose quartz – This is the Difference

Ruling Planet

Magnetite and hematite are ruled by Mercury, the planet associated with speech, intellect, and curiosity. The benefits of a well-positioned Mercury are success, prosperity, and better communication. Personality traits associated with this planet are friendliness, good sense of humor, opinionated, and rational.

Zodiac Association

Neither hematite nor magnetite is a birthstone for any month. However, hematite is associated with mercury, which is also the ruler of Virgo and Gemini. Hematite helps these signs in particular, to clear their mind, get out of their head and ground down.

Hematite can also work well with Aries and Aquarius. Aquarius is an independent and easy-going sign.  They may also be caught up in their thoughts most of the time, which may result in pessimism and depression. The stone protects the mind and strengthens the spirit.

Aries resonates with the stone because of its relation to the fire element. The stone will give this sign a boost in courage and balance in energy.

Magnetite is also particularly beneficial to Aries, Aquarius, and Capricorn zodiac signs.  The stone is believed to promote positivity, endurance, and stability and helps these signs, especially in romantic relationships, create loyalty and balance.

Element Association 

Hematite is associated with the fire element, while magnetite is associated with the earth.

Many cultures have developed the idea of elements to explain nature. In the west, this idea was created by the ancient Greeks and consisted of 4 elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. In India, another element is added: Akasha, representing the foundation of the other elements.

The fire element that hematite is associated with represents change, rebuilding, and power. Fire crystals are used for cleansing, purification, power, and transformation. Hematite, for example, can be used as a reliable stone for change and getting over old patterns.

Magnetite is an earth element gemstone. This element is the anchor and source of life. The earth element represents stability, growth, abundance, fertility, and balance. Magnetite stones can be used to activate the earth’s element energies in our daily lives. The stone initiates confidence and courage when faced with difficult situations.

 The stone comes in handy in decision-making and challenging times. It also invokes knowledge, understanding, strength, and patience. Magnetite also provides protection against bad energy, allowing your spirit, mind, and body to shine and feel stronger and uplifted.

Numerical Vibration

Hematite vibrates at a frequency of 9. The number is the highest in value, as it is the last digit of the cardinal numbers in numerology. It is used to represent wisdom, endings, and new beginnings. Number 9 in astrology is associated with Mars, the planet of ambition and passion. The number also represents spiritual enlightenment. People who resonate with the number are optimistic, supportive, and accepting.

 Magnetite vibrates at the frequency of 4. The number is used to represent responsibility, stability, contentment, and well-being. The crystals of this number give off energies of productivity, grounding, and practicality. Number 4 represents Uranus in astrology. The personalities of this number are confident , but perhaps slightly stubborn. The number can also be symbolic of maturity, self-expression, and mental stability.

Best combinations

To get the most out of our work with crystals, it can be incredibly beneficial to pair and combine crystals with similar properties. This way, they can strengthen and enhance each other. Below you’ll find some interesting options.

  • Hematite can be paired with clear quartz or amethyst for grounding and balance.
  • Hematite and citrine can be used for for personal power and confidence.
  • Hematite can also be paired with emeralds for the heart chakra and memory.
  • Hematite also works well when combined with any other grounding stone for the base chakra, such as black tourmaline.
  • Magnetite is paired with pyrite to help with blood circulation and vitality. The pair also treats bowel complications and fertility in men. Besides physical healing, the combination builds confidence and clarity when making decisions.
  • Magnetite and zzurmalachite is also another good pairing. Azurmalachite is a fortified stone that forms when malachite and azurite are combined in one stone. This stone brings healing and spiritual knowledge. The combination will improve psychic abilities, intuition, and compassion and eliminate energy blockages. The pair can also be used for spiritual and emotional healing and inspire risk-taking and action.
  • Finally, magnetite can be paired with black tourmaline for the base chakra. This combination is great for root chakra activation and connection to the earth’s energies. Another reason to pair these two stones is for protection from negative entities that may affect the aura.

Also read: Black Kyanite vs. Black Tourmaline – What’s the Difference?


There are many different ways to use these stones. Below we’ll outline a few options for you.


Hematite and magnetite have been used in jewelry making since ancient times. Besides the benefits of the stone, hematite was worn as a connection to the deceased by mourners. Both stones are perceived to be the most powerful of all grounding stones. Wearing hematite and magnetite jewelry will keep you grounded no matter the situation.

Home / office 

Both stones are used for protection in our home and office. The stones contribute to good Feng Shui in your space. When displayed in the office, the stones will improve focus, creativity, concentration, and grounding energies to get things done. At home, the stones can be placed at the entrance to prevent any negative energies from entering the house.

Neat Crystal

I am a Crystal & Gem Specialist with 20 years experience collecting and analyzing crystals and gems. My main focus is on crystal and gem abilities to influence our human experience through energy caused by visual and physical properties of each. I also love to dive into the formation, chemical makeup, and rare impurities found within crystals - a Geologist in training. I started Neat Crystal as a place to jot down my thoughts, notes, and share my knowledge to help others.

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