AmethystIdentificationRose Quartz

Full Guide To Pink Amethyst vs. Rose quartz (This Is The Difference)

Whereas rose quartz has become a staple in the collection of any crystal fiend, pink amethyst was only discovered recently. As the stones have similar colors and compositions, an untrained eye would likely confuse them. In a nutshell, the difference between these two is as follows:

Both stones are a form of pink-colored quartz. Rose quartz is relatively common, whereas pink amethyst was only discovered recently and is extremely rare. These stones have similar colors and it takes an expert to distinguish them. As they have the same chemical makeup and color, they have similar metaphysical properties. However, there are some differences in associated zodiac signs, elements, and planets.

Continue reading if you want to know more about the qualities of these stones, as well as how you can use them in your spiritual practice.

Also Read: Amethyst vs. Tanzanite – What’s The Difference?

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Pink Amethyst vs. Rose Quartz – How To Tell The Difference?

In order to understand the difference between these two stones, we can look at the color, shape, pattern, clarity, and more. Below we’ll describe all these aspects in detail.


The stones are pink in color and have a crystal structure since they belong to the quartz mineral group.

 Pink amethyst and rose quartz are quartz stones that belong to the silicate group of minerals. The chemical formula for both stones is silicon dioxide. Pink amethyst forms when amethyst contains a tangible amount of hematite impurities.  The pink stone is closer to amethyst than rose quartz in its properties despite their chemical composition being the same.


Although both crystals have a pink color, one can identify rose quartz from its pale pink color and the white swirls inside, while pink amethyst crystals have a faded pink or dusty rose color. However, it takes a keen expert eye to distinguish between pink amethyst and rose quartz. The hue of pink amethyst is caused by hematite penetrating the stone during crystallization.

Also Read: Amethyst vs. (Heat-treated) Citrine – What’s The Difference?

Rose quartz is generally pale pink, with the hue emanating from titanium, manganese, and iron deposits entering the rock as it crystallizes. Iron impurities give the crystal its distinctive white swirls, with the stone appearing completely white when placed under certain lights.

Pattern and Clarity

The color of natural pink amethyst is not consistent throughout but can have highly uneven coloring with crystals ranging from pale pink to a peachy-pink blush. Most experts prefer pink amethyst with a darker pink hue. As expected, the stone has numerous inconsistencies and imperfections, just like any other amethyst. Pink amethyst has a shiny texture on the outside but is cloudy and opaque on the inside due to its iron deposits.

Rose quartz has numerous different colors and textures. The crystals are primarily pale pink. One can expect several inconsistencies and imperfections within the crystals, such as uneven colors, shapes, and formations.

Also Read: Can Rose Quartz Be In The Sun?


As both stones are a form of quartz, they have the same rating on the Mohs scale of hardness: 7. If you’re unfamiliar, the Mohs scale of hardness determines a stone’s hardness by measuring how scratch-resistant it is. According to this scale, a stone can scratch any other mineral with a lower score. For reference, talc is a 1, whereas diamond is a 10.

As a result of their hardness, the stones are durable enough for use in carvings and jewelry. The crystals are relatively rigid and can’t be scratched using a knife, just like their quartz counterparts.


As both stones rate a 7 on the Mohs scale, they are hard enough to withstand water, salt and sun. Beware, that if left in any of these for prolonged periods of time, the colors will fade and the stone is likely to turn brittle. Additionally, as a result of the iron ore in both of these stones, they are likely to rust if left to soak.

To clean your stones, it is recommended to quickly rinse them and dry them with a soft cloth.

Also Read: Can Amethyst Go In Water?

In terms of energetically cleansing and charging these crystals, neither have self-cleaning properties, like selenite or clear quartz would have. The stones can get contaminated with negative energies over time, affecting the crystal’s ability to project its properties. If you intend to use the stones in deep energetic work over an extended period, you will need to keep them recharged and cleansed when it’s not in use

You can cleanse and recharge these crystals by burying the crystal in the garden and leaving it for two days or by holding them under running water for 60 seconds before drying them off. The crystals can also be recharged by leaving the crystals under a full moon overnight or in the company of cleansing crystals.

Also Read: Can Rose Quartz Go In Water?


Pink amethyst is a scarce stone, with the only place recorded to have this precious stone being Patagonia, Argentina. The El-Chiquita mine has the highest pink amethyst deposits, with the crystals forming inside hollow stones, called geodes.

Rose quartz deposits are common in Madagascar, Namibia, and South Africa.  Like pink amethyst, rose quartz is formed in geodes alongside other members of the quartz family.

Also Read: Can Rose Quartz Go In Salt?

Pink amethyst vs. Rose quartz – Properties

Beware that crystals are never a replacement for professional medical help. If you have any issues, see a doctor first.

Both stones have great healing capabilities, both spiritual and physical. You’ll find these outlined below.

(Physical) healing properties

Pink amethyst gemstones are calming and mediative stones which work in the physical, spiritual, and emotional planes to promote peace, calmness, and balance. This semiprecious gem eliminates impatience and is highly linked to the heart and love. Pink amethyst enables us to view life experiences from a higher perspective, allowing us to act on these events with love and wisdom. Pink amethyst has gentle yet powerful energy which evokes non-judgmental responses in the user. The crystal will enable us to love and accept each other as we are and protects us from negative entities and energies.

Rose quartz is believed to emit nurturing and loving energies. This crystal is closely associated with the heart and is hence believed to cure heart-related illnesses like high blood pressure. Rose quartz enhances the blood circulatory system and protects the wearer from environmental pollution.

Both stones are believed to connect to the heart and love. When the stones are placed on the heart chakra feelings of guilt and emotional trauma will feel less heavy. Pink amethyst is also used to bring relaxation and clarity of thought.

Rose quartz is believed to attract and amplify love into every area of our lives, resulting in empathy, healing from heartbreak, inner peace, fertility, and comfort during grief. The crystal was popular with ancient Egyptians, who placed them in monuments and mummified remains of prominent individuals.

Chakra Association

Pink amethyst and rose quartz clearly aren’t just very pretty. They have unique properties that help balance and cleanse mental, emotional, and physical energies. Energy healers can use the crystal’s high-frequency energy to stimulate the third eye, heart chakra, and crown chakra. Crystal therapists use rose quartz crystals as an aid to open the heart chakra, which is essential for people going through grief, anxiety, and sadness. When placed over the heart chakra, the crystal aids in releasing emotional and mental traumas.

Also Read: What Chakra Is Amethyst?

Planetary Rulers

When we talk about ruling planets, we mean that a certain planet (or celestial body, like the moon) has more influence over a zodiac sign or crystal. In this case, the planet ruling over rose quartz and pink amethyst is Venus. Venus is the planet of love and governs how we relate with others and our relationship with material possessions. Venus is believed to be associated with our emotional and life balance as well as our romantic relations.

Zodiac Signs and Birthstones

Rose Quartz is a January birthstone, making it the stone for Aquarius and Capricorn born in this month. It resonates with the Taurus and Libra signs, as they are all ruled by Venus; the planet of love, attraction, romance, gratitude, and beauty. Also known as the gem of unconditional love, rose quartz enhances the Venus quality of Taurus, allowing them to show love, compassion, and kindness in everyday situations.

Amethyst is a February birthstone, making it the stone for Aquarius and Pisces. It’s a stone of spirituality and contentment, instilling feelings of trust, calmness, grace, and understanding in these signs. It also evokes feelings of protection and security from its connection with the divine realms.

Also Read: The Complete Guide To Rose Quartz And The Zodiac Signs


Pink amethyst is a crystal connected to the air element. The air element represents adaptability and versatility. Crystals associated with air encourage us to express our ideas and thoughts.

 Rose quartz is associated with both water and the earth’s elemental energies. The water element represents intuition and wisdom. It also invites wealth and prosperity. People associated with this element are independent and articulate. The downside to this element is fear. Water crystals will help face fears and prevent self- criticism.

 The earth element is the source of life.  The earth element is associated with grounding and practicality. People of this element are reliable and hardworking. Crystals that draw energies from this element will ground and stabilize energies.

Also Read: What Element Is Amethyst?

Numerical Vibration

 Pink amethyst vibrates at 3 while rose quartz crystals vibrate at 7.

In numerology, 3 represents creativity and optimism.  The number is governed by Jupiter which transfers its fun-loving and positive attributes to the number. People who resonate with this number are innovative and disciplined. Crystals vibrating at 3 are great for creating independence and self-confidence.

Number 7 signifies completion and spirituality. Number 7 reminds us to take an analytical approach to life. People of this number are introspective and skeptical. Crystals vibrating at this frequency will bring out the truth and channel your energies towards what matters.

Also Read: The Complete Guide To Wearing Amethyst

Best Combinations

Pink amethyst combined with rose quartz is a powerful natural healing remedy. The pair will soothe emotional wounds and ease anxiety and panic.

Pink amethyst is combined with a tiger’s eye to improve mental clarity and acknowledge our needs.

Rose quartz is combined with citrine to stabilize emotions and discourage depression and anxiety.

Rhodonite and rose quartz crystals are used to clear and activate the heart chakra. The combination will help heal emotional wounds.

Also Read: The Complete Guide To Wearing Rose Quartz

Neat Crystal

I am a Crystal & Gem Specialist with 20 years experience collecting and analyzing crystals and gems. My main focus is on crystal and gem abilities to influence our human experience through energy caused by visual and physical properties of each. I also love to dive into the formation, chemical makeup, and rare impurities found within crystals - a Geologist in training. I started Neat Crystal as a place to jot down my thoughts, notes, and share my knowledge to help others.

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