The Complete Guide To Clear Quartz And The Zodiac Signs

Clear quartz is one of the most popular crystals, as a result of its versatility. It helps us to make decisions, connect us to our spirituality and helps to calm our emotions. If we want to benefit from these qualities, we need to know how to work with this stone. By knowing this stone’s associated zodiac signs, we can help determine if it is beneficial to us and how we could benefit from working with it. As a result we can be more intentional when wearing or meditating with clear quartz.
Clear quartz is the birthstone of April and therefore the zodiac signs of Aries’ and Taurus’ that were born in that month. It is also associated with the planet Venus, which rules Taurus and Libra. Its abilities are particularly beneficial to Aries and Scorpio.
NOTE: A crystal can be beneficial to many different people, regardless of their zodiac signs. If you’re attracted to it, there’s probably a reason for it. Don’t let this article stop you from working with a crystal that you’re interested in.
Also Read: The Complete Guide To Wearing Clear Quartz
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Clear Quartz For The Zodiac Signs (Explained)
We can determine a crystals association to zodiac signs in several different ways; planet association, birthstones and the crystal’s ability. Below I’ll briefly explain each.
Planet Association Clear Quartz
We can determine which zodiac sign matches with a crystal by looking at the ruling planet. Every crystal is associated with a planet or celestial body, and so are the zodiac signs. When we say a sign is ruled by a planet, we simply mean that this planet has more power over a sign compared to other planets.
Clear quartz is associated with Venus, the planet of love, luxury and romance, which rules Taurus and Libra.
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Birthstone Clear Quartz
Birthstones were created by allotting a different crystal or gemstone to a specific month. We can use this to determine which crystal is beneficial to each zodiac sign. For example, amethyst is the birthstone of February, making it the birthstone of Aquarians and Pisceans born in that month.
Nowadays, there are 2 lists of birthstones.
On one hand there are the traditional birthstones, which are rooted in The Book of Exodus describing Aaron, the priest of the Israelites, wearing a breastplate with 12 stones. Each stone on that breastplate related to one of the Israeli tribes and were later linked to the 12 zodiac signs.
Matching a specific stone to a zodiac sign using the traditional list is difficult, as the gemstones were described by color, not a specific stone.
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On the other hand, there is the list of modern birthstones, defined by the National Association of Jewelers based partly on the history of Aaron, but also on what is widely available to American jewelers.
Birthstones are thought to bring luck to the wearer and provide it with a comfortable and familiar energy – perfect for when you are feeling a little out of place. This of course, does not mean that you cannot wear another sign’s birthstone.
According to the modern and traditional list of birthstones, clear quartz is the birthstone of April. As a result, we associate it with Taurians and Libras born in that month.
Properties Clear Quartz
We can look at the specific properties of each stone to determine which zodiac signs would benefit most from working with it. For example, a stone like fluorite is particularly beneficial to Scorpio as this is a sign that has trouble making up their mind, and fluorite helps with decision making.
Clear quartz is connected to the crown chakra, which is why it helps us to make decisions, connect us to our spirituality and aids in calming our emotions. Curious to know more about clear quartz and the chakras? Read this: “What Chakra Is Clear Quartz?“
Though all signs can benefit from clear quartz, the ones that can use the help of this stone most are Aries and Scorpio.
Benefits Clear Quartz For Aries
We connect Aries to clear quartz, as it is both the birthstone for Aries’ born in April, and has benefits that are particularly helpful to this fiery sign. By it being one of this sign’s birthstones, they will find a comforting and familiar energy in clear quartz.

Besides, Aries is associated with the planet of Mars, which happens to be the exact opposite in energy from loving and calm Venus, which is the planet for clear quartz. Mars is the planet of action, passion and aggression. You can think of Venus and Mars like the Moon and Sun. Neither is better, and we need both, but a good balance between both is desirable.
By working with clear quartz, Aries will be able to balance out their fiery, action oriented energy with a little calmness. It will help them to not make rash decisions and instead take a second to think about the options. As a result, they will be able to make more deliberate choices that will benefit them. It also allows them to be a little more patient, so they can use their passionate and courageous energy to benefit them.
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Benefits Clear Quartz For Taurus
We associate Taurus with clear quartz because it is considered one of the birthstones of this sign. As a result, Taurus will find a comforting and familiar energy around this crystal. Additionally, Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is also the planet associated with clear quartz. This makes clear quartz the ultimate stone for this sign.

Clear quartz can help Taurus by letting go of some of the stubborn energy often associated with this sign. It allows them to be a little more flexible and less in need of perfections, which will help them to build stable relationships in which they feel comfortable.
This stone is also associated with the crown chakra, which is the energy center located at the top of the head, that helps us connect to the spiritual realm. As a result, Taurus can turn to this stone when they feel in need of some guidance.
As a result this kind and determined sign can use their strengths to benefit them, instead of letting them become an obstacle.
Benefits Clear Quartz For Libra
We associate Libra with clear quartz, because they are both ruled by or associated with Venus. Apart from being the planet of love, this planet also stands for harmony, beauty and compassion. There is a reason Libra is symbolized by the scales – they value these qualities more than anything.

Libras would benefit from keeping a clear quartz on their person as it strengthens mental clarity and concentration, allowing honest Libra to make the best of their inherent qualities.
They’ll be able to discover their purpose and find the answers that they are always looking for.
The fact that Libra is a cardinal sign, that like to take action, and an air sign, the thinkers and communicators of the zodiac, means that they are remarkably good at making friends and making people feel loved. Working with clear quartz can help them to use these qualities to their benefit, whilst helping them to also value their existing relationships.
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Benefits Clear Quartz For Scorpio
Scorpio is not associated with clear quartz as a birthstone, or even Venus. In fact, it is associated with the exact opposite planet; Mars, the planet of passion, aggression and desires. Of course, neither planet is better, and we need both, but a good balance between the two is desirable.

Scorpio is unique in that it has two rulers. Mars, like we just discussed, and Pluto, the planet of intensity, destruction and transformation.
With these two rulers, Scorpio is a very intense sign. Additionally, they are also a water sign, which is generally emotional and intuitive. This makes Scorpio a unique combination of energy, but one thing is certain, Scorpio feels a lot and will always act on those feelings.
A great quality, that can start to work against them if they feel wronged or otherwise unpleasant emotions. Clear quartz will help them balance their emotions, so they are less likely to act on aggression or hold on to grudges. Clear quartz is a great stone to balance this sign.
As a result, they will be able to let their best qualities shine and use their honest, brave and determined side to their benefit.