What Chakra Is Moonstone? (Rainbow, Pink, Peach, White, Green, Blue, Black)
Crystals work best if we know how to work with them effectively and part of this is knowing which chakra your stone is related to. Below you’ll find all the information you need about moonstone in general, as well as the different types.
Moonstone is associated with the crown chakra (Sahasrara), located at the top of the head, as it helps us connect to our spirituality and psychic abilities. However, each type of moonstone is associated with additional chakras as well.
Continue reading if you want to know more about moonstone and it’s related chakras.
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What Chakra Is Moonstone? (Explained)
We can determine the association in two different ways; its abilities as well as its color.
Firstly, each chakra represents a different part of ourselves and every crystal has different abilities to help in those areas. For example, citrine has the ability to make us feel more confident and joyful. Because it deals with a person’s self-esteem, it is associated with the solar plexus chakra.
Moonstone is filled with feminine energy, which is why it also allows us to tap into out intuition more. It also has the ability to help us connect to the divine, which is why it is a great stone to use in meditation. As a result, moonstone is associated with the crown chakra, which is also known as “The Bridge To The Cosmos”. It is located at the top of a person’s head and is the place of universal consciousness and wisdom.
When we meditate with moonstone, or carry it around with us, it helps open up the crown chakra and allows us to see the bigger picture. So if you feel like you can’t really sit still or get distracted during meditation, moonstone can help you!
Apart from its abilities we can also look at the color. As every chakra has its own color, we can simply match a crystal to the chakra:
- The root chakra is red, but black stones are also a good match.
- The sacral chakra is orange.
- The solar plexus is yellow.
- The heart chakra is green, but also matches with pink stones.
- The throat chakra is blue.
- The third eye chakra is indigo.
- The crown chakra is violet, but also matches with stones that are clear or white.
As a result, the type of moonstone influences which chakra is the best match. Below I’ll explain the most common ones, as well as the association based on the metaphysical properties.
What Chakra Is Rainbow Moonstone?
As rainbow moonstone has all colors, we can use it to align the 7 chakras. When all chakra’s are aligned we live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.
By meditating with rainbow moonstone or keeping it close to us, we receive some help in aligning the chakras, making use feel more comfortable in our emotional, spiritual and physical body are all on the same path.
What Chakra Are Pink and Green Moonstone?
Pink and green stones are associated with the heart chakra, and these moonstones also follow this rule. The heart chakra is located in the middle of your chest and governs everything to do with love.
A blocked heart chakra means you’re likely to feel grief or loneliness. You might even feel you are holding grudges and struggle with forgiveness.
Keeping pink or green moonstone close or meditating with it allows you to open up to love from the outside, but also from within. You’ll feel more calm and able to surrender to the situation.
If you don’t feel like meditating with it, you can always keep it on you. For heart chakra stones, a long necklace that with the stone in the middle of the chest is great; especially if you keep it on your skin. For those who wear them, another option is to place a pink or green moonstone in your bra.
What Chakra is White and Blue Moonstone?
Blue moonstone isn’t actually blue – it is transparent with a blue sheen. As a result, both white and blue moonstone are associated with the crown chakra. This stone is located at the top of the head and seen as the ubilical cord to the divine. Therefore, white and blue moonstone are particularly helpful during meditation.
If your crown chakra is blocked you might feel like you struggle seeing the bigger picture, or like you are stuck in old ways. Another symptom is feeling like you can’t really relate to other people; like everyone is living their own separate lives and there is no connection to yours.
If you struggle with meditation, white and blue moonstone can help you also, but you might prefer to wear it on a piece of jewelry. When you do, make sure the stone is touching your skin as it is much more powerful that way.
What Chakra is Peach Moonstone?
It’s orangey color means we associate peach moonstone with the sacral chakra. This chakra is located right below the belly button and governs everything to do with sexuality, fertility and creativity.
Though moonstone in general helps us with issues of fertility, peach moonstone is even more effective. Therefore, those who are wanting to conceive or are already pregnant could benefit from keeping (peach) moonstone close.
When your sacral chakra is blocked you might feel like you cannot control your emotions well, if at all. Lacking creativity and enjoyment for life might also be a sign that your sacral chakra is out of balance. Though emotional and spiritual issues are likely, you might find it also manifests as physical pain in the area of the chakra, such as hip pain, kidney issues or issues with the reproductive system.
What Chakra Is Black Moonstone?
Black stones are associated with the root chakra, which is why this is the chakra for black moonstone too. This chakra is located at the bottom of the spine and has to do with our sense of security and stability.
Black moonstone is an interesting mixture of chakras: we associate moonstone in general with the crown chakra, but we black stones are associated with the root. Consequently, the stone supports the two opposite chakras. Whereas the crown governs everything spiritual, the root has to do with physical, material things.
A blocked root chakra makes us extra critical of ourselves and is likely to cause low self-esteem. Additionally, someone with a blocked root might feel restless, impatient and potentially excessive anger. Working with black moonstone can help you release this blockage and feel more comfortable in, and at peace with, the world.
Where Do You Put Moonstone On Your Body?
Where you put your crystals completely depends on what you use them for. Below you’ll find some guidelines for both jewelry as well as meditation, depending on what you are looking for.
As a general rule, it is best to keep the stone on the skin closest to the chakra is it associated with. If you are meditating with the stone and like to lie down, just place it on the correct chakra. You can also keep it in your hand if you prefer. Be careful about which hand you hold it in; there are two different opinions on this.
Some say the left hand is your receiving hand, whereas your right is your giving hand. Depending on what you are looking for from your crystal, you can place it on either of those sides. In this case, this left-in and right-out is said to just be the flow of energy through the body and which never changes.
Others however, believe that this flow of energy changes depending on if you’re left or right-handed. Your dominant hand (the hand that you write with) is your giving hand and releases energy. The non-dominant hand is the receiving hand.
Moonstone can often be placed on either side, depending on what you are looking for. Do you want to attract more love (receiving hand) or would you like to be more compassionate (giving hand).
As you can see, there are some different views. Personally, I would recommend trying out both sides and see how you feel. Crystals are meant to be used intuitively, so use this to determine which side works for you.
If you prefer to wear it as jewelry, for the higher chakras like the crown and third eye, earrings or a necklace works well. For the throat, heart and solar plexus a necklace is great too, just make sure you adjust the length of the chain to be longer for the heart and solar plexus chakra.
If you are working with a more grounding moonstone, like black moonstone, you might benefit from wearing it as an anklet; almost as if it is chaining you to the ground.