The best way to describe selenite is by saying it is liquid light. Its high vibrations fill everything that it touches with happiness. As a result, it is a great stone to have in your collection, but that also means you need to know how to take care of it. Today we’ll have a look at whether selenite can be in the sun, the precautions to take, as well as other ways to charge and cleanse your stone.
Selenite can be in the sun. However, never leave it for more than 3 hours to prevent the stone from becoming brittle. Other (safer) ways to charge your stone are by sound, brown rice, or moonlight
Apart from more information on charging your selenite in the sun, you’ll find a quick overview of the stones properties, element, chakra and zodiac signs at the bottom of this page.
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Also Read: Can Selenite Go In Water?
Can Selenite Be In The Sun? (Explained)
Technically, yes. Sunlight will charge your stone, however it can also leave your stone dull if you leave it for too long.
Any stone that is left outside will eventually be affected by the UV light. Those rays are super strong after all, and will cause stones to fade, discolor or sometimes even break. Therefore, I personally always avoid leaving my stones in the sun, either to charge or store them.
Moreover, selenite is rarely sold raw and most polished and processed stones are treated with a coating. This coating protects your stone, but also makes it shinier. Oftentimes, there’s a little bit of a tint added as well, to bring out the color.
Unfortunately, when you leave your selenite in the sun for extended periods of time, the sun starts affecting these products and breaks down the molecules. The result is a stone that’s not as pretty as it was before.

Besides being careful with sunlight, it is also not recommended to place selenite directly under a light source. Light generates heat, which also affects the coating on your stone.
Additionally, selenite is only a 2 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. On this scale, each mineral is given a number between 1-10 and indicates how strong a stone is. A lower number indicates a softer stone, prone to scratching, and sunlight. The higher the number, the more it can handle.
Diamonds for example, are a 10. You can try to scratch them with any other stone, and it won’t be affected.
Selenite, however, is only a 2. This means it’s a very delicate stone that likes to be cradled. It is important we keep this in mind when caring for it.
Luckily there’s also some good news! Even if your stone gets scratched, becomes dull or even fully breaks, its vibrations will remain the same. As it doesn’t influence the energies that it emits, you can use it just the same.
- Also Read: Can Selenite Go In Salt?
How Long Can Selenite Be In The Sun For?
Again, I would keep it out of the sun altogether. However, if you want to charge it in the sun, never for more than 3 hours. This will keep fading to a minimum.
How To Charge Selenite In The Sun?
If you’re still choosing to charge selenite in the sun, there are some ways to protect your stone as well as make sure it gets charged fully.
First, never leave it in midday sun. The rays are unnecessarily strong and will affect your stone quicker. It is best to charge your crystals in the morning sun. This is a lot gentler but will still charge it.

When charging, always leave your crystals on the ground or a natural surface. Crystals like to be grounded, after all. I would also check on it regularly, to make sure the stone isn’t getting too hot or is fading.
Lastly, selenite is incredibly sensitive to water. Leave it submerged and your stone will dissolve. Therefore, if you choose to charge your stone outside, make sure it is covered or you are 100% sure it is not going to rain.
If you want to be safe, leave your selenite inside on a windowsill. This way it won’t be affected by any surprise rain, and the window will filter out most of the UV light. This decreases the chances of your stone fading, discoloring, or breaking.
- Also Read: What Chakra Is Selenite?
Do You Need To Charge Selenite?
Selenite has the unique property in that it cleanses and transmutes negative energy into positive energy. This is the reason Selenite is often used to charge and cleanse other stones – it sucks out the low vibrations and fills them with positive ones instead.
As it is such a high vibrational stone, many would argue selenite does not need to be cleansed. After all, not holding on to low vibrations is in its nature, as opposed to for example black tourmaline.
However, I’ve personally found my selenite benefits from getting a little extra boost once a month. Though its energy never feels as heavy as most of my other stones at the end of the month, I can definitely feel a difference when I’ve just charged my selenite.
Besides, I like to give even the strongest of stones a little TLC, even if it’s just to set a new intention for the month, and align the stone and my goals.
How To Charge Selenite (Whilst Avoiding The Sun)
If you want to protect your stone as much as possible, there are some other ways to charge your stone, while avoiding sunlight. These methods will leave your stone energised, but also as shiny as it was before.
This is the way I always choose to charge my stones. I find the moonlight to be super gentle on my stones, and I never have to worry about damaging them.

If you also want to charge your selenite using moonlight, I recommend taking the following steps.
Firstly, charge your stones in the day before, during or after the full moon. You could technically charge your stone on any given night, but the moon’s energies are the strongest on these days. No need to leave them outside on all 3 though, one night for about 7 hours is plenty.
Secondly, leave your selenite directly on the ground. Crystals like to be grounded, after all. Any other natural surface, like wood, will work just fine too.
If you are unable to leave the stone outside, or are afraid of potential rain, you could also leave it in a windowsill. Just make sure there’s enough moonlight there to charge the stone.
Us humans are super susceptible to the healing sounds of singing bowls and tuning forks, so why wouldn’t our stones be? Sound can cleanse and charge your stone at the same time. The vibrations drain your stone from negative energies, whilst filling it with positive ones at the same time.
Besides, because you don’t have to touch your stones and there is no UV light involved this is a super safe way to charge your selenite.
If I haven’t cleansed my crystal before charging it with sound, I like setting two different intentions and using two different sounds. However, always do what works for you – you might find one sound and intention works just fine!
Singing bowls can get quite expensive, so you might just want to buy a tuning fork if you’re just trying this out. The cheapest option is to just use YouTube videos meant to cleanse and charge crystals. I’ll link my favorite down below!
Just let the sound fill the room and make sure your energy light. When you’re in a comfortable position you can set your intention for the crystal by saying it out loud. Meditate with the stone until you feel it is ready. If you want to go a step further, light some candles and incense.
Do You Need To Cleanse Selenite?
Crystals in general need to be cleansed regularly in order to ensure the negative energies are removed, so we can fill them with positive ones during charging.
As explained under “Do You Need To Charge Selenite?”, this stone’s nature is to take low vibrations and transmute them into positive energy. As a result, some would say the stone does not need to be cleansed or charged.
However, I personally cleanse the stone weekly, just like every other stone. I still want to give my selenite the chance to let go of any low vibrations it may have still held on to.
How To Cleanse Selenite?
If you choose to cleanse your selenite, like I do, please make sure to never use water or salt. Or worse – salt water.
Water affects the chemical make up of the stone and will make it dissolve. Leave your stone submerged in water for a while and it’s very likely you won’t have a stone when you come back.
I would also avoid submerging it in dry salt. This is because it gets into the miniscule cracks in the stone, where it will sit and attract water. Besides, salt is higher up on the Mohs scale, meaning it will scratch your selenite crystal.
Water = bad.
Salt = bad.
Saltwater = the worst.
Saltwater gets into the cracks easier, and if your stone doesn’t end up dissolving, the water will evaporate, leaving a whole load of salt behind. This will attract water again and will make the stone break or shatter.
Before energetically cleansing it I like to dust the stone off with a soft cloth. Avoid cleansers because again – water.
Good ways to cleanse your stone are by using sound (like singing bowls, tuning forks, or plain old YouTube videos), brown rice or smoke cleansing. I’ll outline how to use both below.
Not only can you charge your stone with sound, but it can also cleanse it. I like this method because it not only cleanses your stone, but also the room you’re in and yourself.
If you want to know more about how to use sound to cleanse your selenite, you can scroll back up and read all about it under “How To Charge Selenite”.
Brown Rice
Another super safe method is by using brown rice. The soft grains will not damage this delicate stone and are great at absorbing negative energies.
Simply place your selenite in a bowl of brown rice and make sure it is fully covered. As brown rice cannot harm you stone, it is safe to leave it for as long as you would like. A few hours always does the trick for me, but it is best to check in with your stone and see how it feels. If it’s energies still feel heavy, just put it back for a little while.
Make sure to throw the rice out afterwards as it is now filled with the negative energies that were previously in your stone. We don’t want to absorb all of that by eating it.
Smoke Cleansing
For smoke cleansing you need herbs of your choice. Simply light them and blow out the fire. Then, take a deep breath and state your intention out loud. Now you can waft the smoke over the crystals you want to cleanse, or lift the crystals over the smoke for however long you feel like.
I always recommend opening a window so the smoke can leave the room and take all the negative energies with it. Smoke cleansing will not only cleanse your stones, but also the room and yourself. It’s a win-win-win!
NOTE: Beware that using the term ‘smudging’ and the practice of burning white sage/palo santo is commonly used in the spiritual community. This is a specific type of smoke cleansing used by Native Americans, and which was illegal up until about 40 years ago. We recommend using a form of smoke cleansing that is appropriate for you and your culture.
Selenite Overview
Chakra: Crown
Element: Air
Zodiac: Taurus
Benefits: Serenity | Purifying | Peace
Selenite is one of the most powerful stones and is often described as liquid light. Use this stone whenever you need some more high vibrations in your life, for example when dealing with anger, resentment, or sadness. It also opens the crown chakra, helping you to connect with spirit guides and the universe.