Fluorite is probably one of the best stones to remove negative energies and vibrations. However, to make sure it will continue to do that for a long time we need to give it some TLC every once in a while. Cleansing and recharging your fluorite will leave it happy, healthy, and ready for you to use.
Today we will have a look at whether it is safe to cleanse your fluorite using salt, as well as other safe methods to cleanse.
Fluorite cannot go in salt, including saltwater. Salt is naturally abrasive and will cause damage to the relatively soft fluorite. Safe ways to cleanse your fluorite are by using selenite, sound, or smoke cleansing.
If you want to know why fluorite is not safe in salt, make sure to keep reading. I will also explain some other methods to cleanse your stone and give you a quick overview of its properties.
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Can Fluorite Go In Salt? (Explained)
Fluorite cannot go in salt, as it is a relatively soft stone. This crystal only has a 4 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This scale gives each mineral a number between 1-10. The higher the number, the stronger the stone. For your reference, chalk is a 1, whereas diamonds are a 10.
The combination of the softness of this stone, along with the highly abrasive nature of salt means that your fluorite will most likely be left damaged. This damage can include scratching, or your stone turning opaque or dull.
Besides, if you leave your stone on the salt for long enough, it is very likely some salt is going to get into the miniscule cracks in your stone. This isn’t going to immediately cause problems, but overtime the salt will build up. The result is that it will crack your stone open from the inside out.
The upside here is that damage does not influence the power of your stone. No matter how battered, bruised or broken it is, it will work the same as it did before.
If you still want to cleanse your fluorite using salt, please continue reading to make sure you protect it as much as possible. If you want to cleanse your stone using safer methods, I’ll explain those as well!
Can Fluorite Go In Himalayan Salt?
Fluorite cannot go in Himalayan salt. As mentioned in “Can Fluorite go in salt?”, salt will damage the integrity of your stone and leave it broken and bruised. It would be better to cleanse your stone using a safer method, like selenite, sound, or smoke cleansing.
Can Fluorite Go In Saltwater?
Fluorite cannot go in saltwater. As we now know, dry salt will damage your stone.
Besides this, any stone that has a 5 or lower on the Mohs scale of hardness (or which name ends with -ite) is not safe in water. As fluorite has a 4, it is very likely to be damaged by water.
Additionally, when salt is dissolved in water it can get into the cracks of your stone easier. The water will dissolve, but the salt will be left behind. This will eventually cause your stone to break. Besides, any stone that is left in water will eventually turn dull so overall, this method might not be the best if you care about the looks of your stone.
- Also Read: Can Fluorite Go In Water?
As a side note, never put any raw stone in saltwater. Unpolished stones have more cracks for the salt to get into and will break more easily.
Safe Ways To Cleanse Your Fluorite
As mentioned, I personally choose to avoid salt altogether. The risks are just too high, especially because there are plenty of safe ways to cleanse your stone.
I’ll briefly explain three methods: sound, smoke cleansing and selenite. If you want to read more about these methods, I recommend reading this post I wrote earlier: “Can Fluorite Be In Sun?”
Firstly, is sound. I like this method particularly because it both cleanses and charges your stone. You can use singing bowls, tuning forks or just a YouTube video. All you need to do is set an intention and let the sound fill the room.
Next, is one of the easiest ways – selenite. Selenite is an incredible crystal that can extract negative energies and transmute them into positive ones. For this reason, selenite is a wonderful crystal to mediate with to help open your crown chakra.
Besides this, it can also cleanse and charge your crystals for you. I love this method as you do not need to charge your crystals after, selenite will have already done it for you.All you need is a selenite crystal that is at least the same size, preferably bigger than your fluorite. Place it on top and leave it there for 24hours. When you take it off, your fluorite will be ready to use!
There are actually selenite plates that are meant to charge your stones. These are a great place to store your jewelry or are perfect if you want to charge multiple stones at once.
Lastly, you can cleanse your fluorite using a smoke. In order to do this, light your herbs of choice and blow out the flame. Waft the smoke over your stone and you’re ready to go!
NOTE: Beware that using the term ‘smudging’ and the practice of burning white sage/palo santo is commonly used in the spiritual community. This is a specific type of smoke cleansing used by Native Americans, and which was illegal up until about 40 years ago. We recommend using a form of smoke cleansing that is appropriate for you and your culture.
How To Cleanse Your Stones Using Salt
Once again, I never recommend using salt on your fluorite. However, if you feel this is the correct or easiest method for you, below you’ll find the steps you need to take.
To cleanse your fluorite using salt, fill a class or ceramic bowl with a layer of (any) salt. About 0.5-2 (2-5cm) inches is plenty. Then, place your fluorite stone or jewelry on top of the salt. There’s no need to bury it.
Leave it for about 2-7 hours. The length of time depends on what you feel your stone needs. Never leave it for more than 8 hours however – salt can be quite abrasive and make your stone dull. It’s also just plain unnecessary.
If you’re cleanse more stones at once, make sure that each crystal has their own space, and you don’t pile them on top of each other. Every stone needs to make full contact with the salt.
When cleansing fluorite that is made into jewelry, make sure to close the clasp or put a soft cloth underneath it to prevent salt from getting in and damaging it.
After cleansing, briefly rinse the stone and dry it using a soft cloth. Do not leave it in water for too long as this will make the stone dull and more likely to break. Just a few seconds to get rid of the salt is perfect.
Lastly, always throw away the salt. It has absorbed all negative energies and you don’t want to sprinkle that over your food.
Be sure to charge your fluorite after cleansing them. Whereas cleansing removes any low vibrations, charging them brings back all the positive ones.
If you want to know more about charging your fluorite, I recommend reading another post I wrote: “Can Fluorite Be In The Sun?” On the bottom of that post, you’ll find all the options to charge this crystal.
Fluorite Overview
Chakra: Heart (more green stones) | Crown (more purple stones)
Element: Earth | Air (white fluorite)
Zodiac: Virgo | Pisces | Taurus
Benefits: Intellect | Protection | Cleansing
Each fluorite stone has different benefits, depending on the color. Overall, fluorite is incredibly grounding and helps you when you feel you’ve been absorbing other people’s energies. As a result, this is a great stone for HSP’s or empaths. Fluorite will also help you when you need a little extra brainpower, especially when making difficult decisions or when you need to concentrate.