
Can Citrine Go In Salt? (Dry Salt, Saltwater, Himalayan Salt)

Citrine is one of my favorite stones to use when I know I have a long day ahead with chores I don’t really feel like doing. It is the perfect pick-me-up and gives me a little boost of motivation. All that the stone asks in return is that we cleanse it regularly and properly, about once a week.
In this post, I will tell you all about whether citrine can be cleansed in salt, as well as other methods to cleanse your stone.

Citrine can go in salt, but avoid saltwater. It is hard enough (7 on Mohs scale of harness) to prevent damage. Other ways to cleanse a stone are by using sound, selenite, or smoke cleansing.

Continue reading if you want to know more about why this method works & how to use it. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find a quick overview of citrine’s properties.

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Also Read: What Chakra Is Citrine?

Can Citrine Go In Salt? (Explained)

The short answer is yes, citrine can go in salt. In fact, this is a good way to cleanse your stone. The salt is great at drawing out negative energies, leaving your citrine stone happy and ready to be charged.

Citrine can handle salt, as this stone has a 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This scale gives each mineral a number between 1-10 and indicates a mineral’s ability to scratch another mineral. The higher the number, the stronger and more scratch resistant it is.
As said, citrine has a 7, meaning it can scratch any mineral with a number lower than that, and will not be affected by them. As salt is approximately a 2,5 it will not scratch the surface of your citrine.

Personally, I would still be careful when cleansing your stones like this. Salt can be quite abrasive, so you want to take some precautions when using this method to cleanse. I will explain how to do this a little further down this post. Besides, I personally avoid salt when cleansing (citrine) crystals, as there are some other, safer options.

Can Citrine Go In Himalayan Salt?

Yes, citrine can go in Himalayan salt, either dry or dissolved in water.
As mentioned in “Can citrine be in salt?”, citrine is higher up on the Mohs scale of hardness, meaning it won’t scratch your stone.

Can Citrine Go In Saltwater?

No, citrine cannot go in saltwater. It should be fine if you simply dip it in and then rinse it under running water, but do not leave citrine to soak in saltwater for extended periods of time.

Citrine should be fine in normal water, but the combination water and salt will be too much. If you do choose to let your stone soak in salt water, you can be almost certain it will break.

Besides this, any stone that is left in water will become dull eventually, and this includes citrine. Luckily, it won’t affect its vibrations, so you can use it just the same. However, if you care about the looks of your crystal, using water may not be your best bet.

Moreover, if you have any raw crystals, citrine or otherwise, these should never be cleansed in salt water. Raw crystals have more cracks that the salt can get into, leaving it more vulnerable.

How To Cleanse Citrine Using Salt

To cleanse your citrine using salt, fill a class or ceramic bowl with a layer of (any) salt. About 0.5-2 (2-5cm) inches is plenty. Then, place your citrine stone or jewelry on top of the salt. There’s no need to bury it.

Leave it for about 2-7 hours. The length of time depends on what you feel your stone needs. Never leave it for more than 8 hours however – salt can be quite abrasive and make your stone dull. It’s also just plain unnecessary.

If you’re cleanse more stones at once, make sure that each crystal has their own space, and you don’t pile them on top of each other. Every stone needs to make full contact with the salt.

When cleansing citrine that is made into jewelry, make sure to close the clasp or put a soft cloth underneath it to prevent salt from getting in and damaging it.

After cleansing, briefly rinse the stone and dry it using a soft cloth. I always avoid soaking my stones in water to stop them from becoming dull. However, it is safe to just rinse them for a few seconds to get rid of the leftover salt.

Lastly, always throw away the salt. It has absorbed all negative energies and you don’t want to sprinkle that over your food.

Be sure to charge your citrine after cleansing them. Whereas cleansing removes any low vibrations, charging them brings back all the positive ones.
If you want to know more about charging your citrine, I recommend reading another post I wrote: “Can Citrine Be In The Sun?
On the bottom of that post, you’ll find all the options to charge this crystal.

How To Cleanse Citrine Without Salt

I personally avoid using salt, simply because there are some other ways to cleanse my (citrine) crystals without running any risks. These are:

  • Selenite
  • Smoke cleansing
  • Sound

Selenite Stone or Plate

Selenite is an incredible crystal that can extract negative energies and transmute them into positive ones. For this reason, selenite is a wonderful crystal to mediate with to help open your crown chakra.

Besides this, it can also cleanse and charge your crystals for you. I love this method as you do not need to charge your crystals after, selenite will have already done it for you.


All you need is a selenite crystal that is at least the same size, preferably bigger than your citrine. Place it on top and leave it there for 24hours. When you take it off, your citrine will be ready to use!

There are actually selenite plates that are meant to charge your stones. These are a great place to store your jewelry or are perfect if you want to charge multiple stones at once.

Smoke Cleansing

For smoke cleansing you need herbs of your choice. Simply light them and blow out the fire. Then, take a deep breath and state your intention out loud. Now you can waft the smoke over the crystals you want to cleanse, or lift the crystals over the smoke for however long you feel like.

I always recommend opening a window so the smoke can leave the room and take all the negative energies with it. Smoke cleansing will not only cleanse your stones, but also the room and yourself. It’s a win-win-win!

NOTE: Beware that using the term ‘smudging’ and the practice of burning white sage/palo santo is commonly used in the spiritual community. This is a specific type of smoke cleansing used by Native Americans, and which was illegal up until about 40 years ago. We recommend using a form of smoke cleansing that is appropriate for you and your culture.


Singing bowls, tuning forks or YouTube videos meant for crystals are also a great way to cleanse and charge your stones!

As singing bowls can get quite expensive, I personally prefer just using YouTube videos. I love using them as it not only cleanse and charges my stones, but it is also the perfect chance for me to meditate.

I’ll link my favorite YouTube video to cleanse my crystals down below.

If I want to cleanse and charge my stones, I like setting two different intentions and using two different sounds. However, always do what works for you – you might find one sound and intention works just fine!

Just let the sound fill the room and make sure your energy light. When you’re in a comfortable position you can set your intention for the crystal by saying it out loud. Meditate with the stone until you feel it is ready. If you want to go a step further, light some candles and incense.

Citrine Overview

Chakra: Sacral | Solar Plexus
Element: Fire | Air
Zodiac: Libra | Gemini | Aries | Leo
Benefits: Positive energy | Confidence | Success | Joy | Intellect | Motivation

Citrine is great for when you need to recharge yourself. Filled with the power of the sun, this stone gives you positive energy that makes you confident and fearless. This is also the crystal of wealth and success, as well as joy and intellect.

Neat Crystal

I am a Crystal & Gem Specialist with 20 years experience collecting and analyzing crystals and gems. My main focus is on crystal and gem abilities to influence our human experience through energy caused by visual and physical properties of each. I also love to dive into the formation, chemical makeup, and rare impurities found within crystals - a Geologist in training. I started Neat Crystal as a place to jot down my thoughts, notes, and share my knowledge to help others.

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