
Full Guide To Amazonite vs. Aquamarine (This Is The Difference)

Amazonite and aquamarine are two stones that are often confused. Though they have a similar look, there are some distinct differences. Not only in their appearance but also in their metaphysical use.

Amazonite and aquamarine can both have a green tint that makes them appear similar. Amazonite is often opaque and has white stripes, whereas aquamarine is more translucent. Each stone is associated with different zodiac signs, elements, ruling planets, and chakras.

Continue reading if you want more in-depth information on the (meta)physical difference between these stones as well as how to care for each of them.

Also Read: Amazonite vs. Turquoise – What’s The Difference?

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Amazonite Vs. Aquamarine – How To Tell The Difference

In order to tell the difference between amazonite and aquamarine, we can look at the color, pattern, clarity, and shape of a stone. Below we’ll dive deeper into each of these aspects.


Amazonite resembles jade in terms of color. The color of amazonite varies from pale green and turquoise to a bluish and yellowish hue. The green color on amazonite results from lead impurities within the stone. Pure green amazonite is rare, while the bluish-green variety is the most common. Most amazonite crystals lack uniformity of color and have some white stripes, but do not require heat treatments to enhance color.

Also Read: “Aventurine vs. Amazonite – What’s The Difference?

Aquamarine gets its color from the iron impurities within the beryl, usually a colorless mineral.

The hues on the stone vary from light to deeper, vibrant blue tones. The colors on aquamarine stones may vary because of the heat treatments done on the stone. Heat treatments on aquamarines are widely accepted and are done to give the stone a desirable blue color. They do not harm the stone in any way.

Pattern and Clarity

Amazonite is a brittle stone whose transparency ranges from translucent to opaque. The stone is often cloudy in appearance, with occasional black spots or white flakes on the surface. The more transparent and lesser the inclusions, the greater the value of the amazonite. The stone’s luster is silky, setting it apart from other green-colored stones. Amazonite also has easy cleavage, which refers to the tendency of minerals to split along its planes.

Aquamarine is a transparent stone that has a vitreous luster. The stone may also have inclusions within the stone. Aquamarine stones also have imperfect cleavage, which means that when it breaks, it leaves some more jagged edges. A flawless aquamarine is more expensive than one with inclusions. 


Amazonite is found in a variety of shapes and forms. The stones are available in square, round, oval, and pear shapes. On the other hand, aquamarine can be cut into any shape, but is often sold as round, oval, and emerald cuts for use in carvings and jewelry.

Chemical Composition

Amazonite is a microcline variety formed with potassium feldspar grains in sedimentary rocks. Aquamarine, on the other hand, is a beryl aluminum silicate.


We determine a stone’s hardness using the Mohs scale. If you’re unfamiliar, the Mohs scale of hardness determines a stone’s hardness by measuring how scratch-resistant it is. According to this scale, a stone can scratch any other mineral with a lower score. With aquamarine being a 7.5-8, and amazonite a 6-6.5, the former could scratch the latter. For reference, talc is a 1, whereas diamond is a 10.

Due to amazonite’s hardness it’s easily used in carvings and jewelry. The downside to this is that amazonite breaks easier and requires more delicate care.

Aquamarine is a harder stone, meaning it will be more durable for jewelry and carvings compared to amazonite.


Most amazonite crystals come from India but can also be found in Brazil and Madagascar. Aquamarine can be found in Russia, Madagascar, and Brazil as well.


Amazonite is hard enough to withstand water. Thus, you can clean the stone with room-temperature water and a soft cloth to preserve its luster. Do not leave the stone in water for a long time because its chemical composition reacts to water and is likely to cause discoloration. The stone’s softness in combination with the water may also cause the stone to break. Amazonite is also sensitive to harsh chemicals, heat, and ammonia.

Also Read: “Can Amazonite Be In The Sun?

Aquamarine does not have a problem with water at all and can be cleaned using tepid water and a soft cloth. It is hard enough to leave it to soak too, but beware that any crystal left in water for extended periods of time may turn dull. Additionally, if done regularly, the stone will turn more brittle.

If you’re using amazonite or aquamarine for its metaphysical properties, make sure to cleanse the stone by smoke cleansing, leaving it on a selenite plate, using sound baths, or leaving it outside to the sun or moonlight. Aquamarine, especially, is associated with the moon; hence the best way to recharge the stone. Leave the stone to sit on the new or full moon to fill the stone with the potent energies of the moon.

Amazonite Vs. Aquamarine – Metaphysical Properties

Although the stones look similar, each stone has unique properties which might influence your choice to work with either of them. Below the different properties are explained, as well as the different chakra, planet, element and zodiac sign associations for each stone.


Beware that crystals are never a replacement for professional medical help. If you have any issues, see a doctor first.

Both amazonite and aquamarine are healing stones and can be useful in body, mind, and soul healing.

For the physical body, amazonite is helpful with thyroid gland complications, throat/mouth issues, and cell regeneration, especially after injuries. Amazonite can also help with calcium deficiency.

Amazonite goes further into healing our minds and heart. Amazonite can help with emotional grief, improve self-confidence, eliminate destructive thoughts and improve mental clarity.

Aquamarine is also great with throat and mouth issues, like toothaches and sore throats, and stomach and liver-related diseases. Aquamarine is also used as an amulet to help relieve pain and regulate hormones.

Additionally, aquamarine can help you overcome fears and anxieties and encourage open communication of your feelings.

Home / Office

The stones can be used for Feng Shui in the home or office. Feng shui is a holistic approach to manifesting energies in your space. Feng shui practices utilize wood, metal, earth, fire, and water energy.

Amazonite crystals utilize energies from the water element. These crystals will attract regeneration and rebirth. Water represents the circle of life.

Aquamarine utilizes energies from the wood element. The wood element in Feng Shui represents kindness and growth. Crystals associated with the wood element encourage humanity and new beginnings.


Amazonite is believed to be a lucky stone. Wearing amazonite as an amulet will invite luck and success to the wearer.

Aquamarine is also used in the wealth corner (Xun) in Feng Shui to represent how we perceive our value and break patterns that could be keeping us from achieving self-love and abundance.


Amazonite was used by ancient civilizations like Egypt, evident in the amazonite jewelry found in King Tutankhamen’s tomb. The Egyptians believed that amazonite could uncover the truth in a situation and truths regarding ourselves. 
Amazonite is also evident in the legends of Amazon used to adorn the shields of the famous women’s warrior tribe.

Aquamarine, on the other hand, was valued as a symbol of happiness and everlasting youth among the Hebrews and Egyptians.
Aquamarine was also believed to be a treasure for the mermaids. Sailors wore aquamarine as an amulet for protection and luck while on the waters.

Chakra Association

As you might know, everyone has 7 chakras, each representing a different part of ourselves. All crystals can be linked to a different chakra and thus help us in different parts of our lives.  You’ll find each chakra below, from lowest to highest, as well as which color stone best matches the energy center.

  • The root chakra (Muladhara): our sense of stability and security – red or black.
  • The sacral chakra (Svadihsthana): the emotional body, sensuality and creativity – orange.
  • The solar plexus (Manipura): self-esteem and your overall personal power – yellow.
  • The heart chakra (Anahata): love, for ourselves and the world around us – pink or green.
  • The throat chakra (Vishuddha): communication, self-expression and trust – blue.
  • The third eye chakra (Ajna): our intuition, perception and overall awareness – violet.
  • The crown chakra (Sahasrara): the connection to the divine, transformation and clarity – indigo, clear, white.

Both aquamarine and amazonite are associated with the heart and throat chakra. The stones will activate the heart chakra and enhance the ability to acknowledge universal love and accept ourselves.

For the throat chakra, the stones encourage open communication and fruitful dialogues. The throat chakra is also associated with self-expression and power.

Also Read: “What Chakra Is Amazonite?

Zodiac Signs and Birthstones

Amazonite is not a birthstone. However, amazonite is ruled by Uranus, which also rules Aquarius. If you want to know more about the rulers and planets, you’ll find this below.

Additionally, amazonite is close to the Virgo sign. People associated with the Virgo sign are hardworking and reliable but may also tend to set unrealistic standards and be overly critical of themselves. Amazonite will help these signs be more patient with themselves and bring balance back into their lives.

Aquamarine is a traditional and modern birthstone for people born in March. Thus, it is related to Pisces and Aries, born in that month. People under the Pisces zodiac are creatives but might also struggle with self-expression. A stone connected to the throat chakra, like aquamarine, will be great for this sign. Gemini also struggles with perfectionism and volatility. The aquamarine crystal will help restore balance and relieve its over-reactive nature. 

Lastly, aquamarine is ruled by the Moon, which also rules Cancer.

Planetary Association

We can determine which zodiac sign matches with a crystal by looking at the ruling planet and birthstone. We discussed the birthstones above.
When we say a sign is ruled by a planet, we simply mean that this planet has more power over a sign compared to other planets. Every sign has a ruler and every crystal or gemstone is associated with a planet.

As mentioned, amazonite is associated with Uranus, the planet of unexpected changes and innovation. Crystals associated with Uranus encourage leaving the past and focusing on the future.

The ruling planet for aquamarine is Neptune and the Moon. Neptune is associated with dreams, delusions, intuition, and spirituality. Its energies influence compassion, mercy, kindness, and forgiveness of the people it rules. Crystals like aquamarine effectively harness Neptune’s energies to find freedom from egos.
The moon represents secrets, femininity, and emotions.

Numerical Vibration

Amazonite vibrates at five while aquamarine vibrates at 1.

Number 5 in numerology represents our senses. People who resonate with the number are cheerful and adventurous. Number 5 is also a lucky number for Virgos and Geminis. In a tarot reading, the number 5 represents harmony and peace.

Number 1 represents new beginnings. People resonating with this number have tendencies to be aggressive and assertive in accomplishing goals they set for themselves. Number 1s are the innovators and initiators of new ideas.


Many cultures have developed the idea of elements to explain nature. In the west, this idea was created by the ancient Greeks and consisted of 4 elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Earth.

The 4 elements represent the following:

  • Earth for personal growth, stability, and security
  • Water for love, friendships, and emotions
  • Air for intellect, wisdom, and communication
  • Fire for energy, passion, and action

By looking at a crystal’s or gemstone’s properties, we can determine which element fits best.

Both Amazonite and aquamarine are water element crystals. The water element represents knowledge and emotions. Crystals that draw their energies from the water are valued for their protective and purification power.

Also Read: What Element Is Amazonite?

Best Combinations

If we want to get the very best out of our crystals, it is a good idea to combine stones that strengthen each other’s qualities.

Amazonite matches well with:

  • Opal or aventurine are great for activating the throat chakra and encouraging better expression.
  • Blue-lace agate or aquamarine will be good for truth and honesty.
  • Blue sapphire and amazonite are a good pair to encourage trust.

Aquamarine is a good match for:

  • Moldavite for the throat chakra and heighten intuition.
  • Smoky quartz to inspire truth, calm, and letting go of what we cannot control.
  • Sodalite to manifest health, luck, and success. The combination can also be used for mental clarity and logical reasoning.
  • Chrysocolla for healing energies and purifying all negative energies

Neat Crystal

I am a Crystal & Gem Specialist with 20 years experience collecting and analyzing crystals and gems. My main focus is on crystal and gem abilities to influence our human experience through energy caused by visual and physical properties of each. I also love to dive into the formation, chemical makeup, and rare impurities found within crystals - a Geologist in training. I started Neat Crystal as a place to jot down my thoughts, notes, and share my knowledge to help others.

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