Full Guide To Magnesite vs. Howlite (This is the Difference)
In order to work with our crystals effectively, we need to understand their properties. With crystals that look similar or have similar uses, such as magnesite and howlite it can be difficult to determine which one to work with. The answer should always be; the one that you are drawn to the most. However, if you are looking to find the difference in physical appearance as well as metaphysical properties, you’ll find your answer here.
Continue reading if you want to know more about the (physical) qualities of these stones, as well as how you can use them in your spiritual practice.
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Magnesite vs Howlite – How To Tell The Difference?
In order to understand the difference between these two stones, we can look at the color, shape, pattern, clarity, and more. Below we’ll describe all these aspects in detail.
Chemical Composition
Magnesite and howlite have different chemical compositions. Magnesite gemstone is a magnesium carbonate stone. Its name is a result of magnesium in its composition. It is made up of a mixture of iron II Carbonate crystals and ankerite.
It is formed by alternating monolayers of carbonate groups, iron II carbonate, and magnesium. This gemstone is formed by various processes such as carbonation of magnesium, hydrothermal metamorphism, and contact.
On the other hand, howlite is a borate mineral that is composed of borosilicate hydroxide with calcium minerals. It belongs to the silicate and carbonate classes and nesosilicates and borates subclasses. It is found mainly in evaporate minerals.
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Pure magnesite occurs colorless, while pure howlite is white or colorless in color. However, other magnesites occur in colors such as yellow, gray, brown, lilac rose and faded pink due to the presence of traces of iron, vanadium, copper, manganese, and nickel.
Pure howlite may have spider web veins that are dark. Both gemstones can also be dyed into different colors such as pink, purple, blue, yellow, and red. The dyed gemstones are mainly found in a mixture of tumbled stones.
Pattern and Clarity
Both magnesite and howlite have almost similar properties, in that sometimes howlite is confused for magnesite. Generally, they are either opaque or translucent to transparent.
Opaque magnesite has a metallic or submetallic luster, and it is strongly magnetic. It has a crystal system known as the trigonal crystal of the hexagonal scalenohedral class. Opaque howlite has a sub-vitreous luster, while transparent or translucent has long crystals. This gemstone has a prismatic crystal class and a crystal system known as monoclinic.
Magnesite and howlite are both soft gemstones. Magnesite hardness ranges from 3.5 to 5.0 on the Mohs scale, while howlite ranges from 3.5 to 6.5. Due to their soft nature, they are both prone to scratching. Magnesite is brittle, and there it is prone to fracturing.
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As both are soft gemstones, great care should be taken as they can easily scratch. Magnesite is cleaned using plain clean water and a soft piece of cloth. A drawstring bag is used as an easy way to store and protect it.
Soapy, lukewarm water is recommended while cleaning howlite. It is then dried with a soft piece of cloth to remove water and soap residues. The use of ultrasonic or steam cleaners is not recommended for both gemstones. Due to the presence of calcium, howlite is very vulnerable to chemical cleaners.
Magnesite was first discovered in ancient Greek in a region known as Magnesia. Today, this gemstone is mainly mined on sand beaches in California, the United States, and the coast of the north island of New Zealand.
Howlite, on the other hand, was first discovered in Nova Scotia. Currently, this gemstone is mostly found in the United States and Canada. Many regions in Canada have large quantity deposits of this gemstone, making it its main producer.
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Both magnesite and howlite are used in the making of jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings.
At Home
Howlite is used at home. Placing this gemstone at the entryway makes you feel safe and at peace. In the bedroom, this gemstone makes you sleep better and have deep rest. This gemstone protects you and makes you feel relaxed.
Magnesite has healing power, especially for people who seem fearful and nervous. It helps you balance emotions and overcome fear. It helps you to become tolerant and calm.
Metabolically, it is believed to help you regulate body odors, period cramps, and reduces or heal pains in the gallbladder and kidneys. Magnesite is also thought to treat issues of the heart, arteries, teeth, and bone problems. Just like the magnesite, howlite has a calming effect. It helps you get over range, anger and stress.
Moreover, this gemstone helps you gain the courage to speak out about your fears, truths, and emotions. For people with over reactive minds, it makes you calm down and fights insomnia, making you sleep better.
This gemstone is believed to boost your memory and help you get the desire to acquire more knowledge and build yourself. It also helps in meditation. It clears the mind making you get to your higher consciousness. Furthermore, it makes you feel transported into another world of peace and serenity.
Howlite is beneficial to the proper functioning and wellness of the physical body. This pearl white stone is believed to help with calcium content regulation and reinforce your bones. The stone brings peace and relaxation, therefore, relieving anxiety and depressive patterns. This stone can also be used to calm down an overactive mind and anger.
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Chakra Association
Magnesite and howlite are both associated with the crown and third eye chakra. These two gemstones create divine energy, which stimulates the crown chakra. This chakra deals with divinity. It lifts your moods and inspires you to achieve the desires of your heart.
It also makes you more aware of yourself, bringing more understanding on spiritual matters and that the most important thing is the soul, which is kept to exist In the human body. The third eye chakra is also associated with divinity and spiritual matters.
However, it increases concentration, clarity, imagination, and universal connection. It connects you with your inner wisdom and makes you exercise good judgment. Apart from these chakras, these gemstones are involved in other chakras, for instance, magnesite is believed to be associated with the heart chakra and also the earth star chakra.
Zodiac Association
The zodiac sign that benefits the most from magnesite is the Aries. The gemstone is believed to restore peace and passion. Aries is an ambitious sign that is determined to achieve its goals. This makes them struggle with self-esteem when they can not reach their desired targets. The magnesite comes in to encourage personal happiness and contentment with the small wins.
Howlite on the other hand resonates best with Gemini. The stone’s ability to absorb negativities helps bring mental clarity and open-mindedness to this zodiac sign. The gemstone also encourages authenticity in Gemini.
Element Association
Magnesite is an earth element gemstone. The element is associated with stability, harmony, and grounding. It’s also connected to fertility, abundance. Wealth, and growth. Attributes associated with this element are responsibility, organization, and ambition. The earth element is also responsible for emotions like happiness and worry.
Earth-type personalities are strategic, careful, and heavily reliant on routines. Stones like magnesite will help them have the courage to step out of their routines and do things differently.
Howlite, on the other hand, is a water element gemstone. The element represents emotions and feelings. The feminine element energy is considered powerful for its ability to interact with all physical senses. Water personalities are intuitive, artistic, and highly sensitive.
Ruling Planet
The ruling planet of magnesite is said to be Mars. This planet is also associated with the Aries. This is a planet mainly known for courage, sex drive, and unstoppable energy to achieve. Mars is said to be a warrior in all the phases of life.
On the other hand, howlite is ruled by Mercury, as it’s the ruler of both Gemini and Virgo. It is known as a planet of excellent communication, open minds, and the ability to capture and absorb content quickly and easily. The Geminis are said to be active and outgoing in that they cope with new experiences very easily, which is symbolized by Mercury, the fastest moving planet in the solar system.
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Numerical Vibration
Magnesite vibrates at the frequency of 3. In numerology, the number is associated with confidence, creativity, and self-expression. This number also connects to wisdom, harmony, wealth, and peace. The number is held with powerful symbolism. Being drawn to the number brings optimism, curiosity, and better communication into your life.
Howlite, however, has a numerical vibration number 2. This vibrational frequency symbolizes healthy relationships, communication, and unity. The number is considered a good number across many cultures. Good things often come in pairs, hence the auspicious number 2. People of this number are kind-hearted and sensitive to other people’s feelings.
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Best Combinations
These gemstones can be combined with other gemstones to bring out effective results. Magnesite can be combined with the pink kunzite or the tugtupite to stimulate the heart chakra and also strengthen the love vibrations, making you have good relations with others and also self-acceptance.
It is also combined with the calligraphy stone or the black tourmaline to improve your psychic abilities and makes you understand the world that surrounds you and your spiritual self. When pink morganites are combined with magnesites, they stimulate a love for oneself.
Howlite, on the other hand, can be combined with amber as it helps you to improve your listening skills. This combination also helps you relax when curious. This gemstone can also be combined with rose quartz, agate, or the peridot, which are all said to be fine gemstones to bring an emotional balance and helps you overcome feelings of rage, anger, and fear. It helps you to be calm in all situations, and thus you can make good decisions on how to handle different situations.
Clear quartz can be combined with this gemstone to facilitate meditation. Both gemstones help you to connect to your higher consciousness. It also helps you to have mental clarity to any issues that are stimulating stress and hence end up lighting up your life.
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